Metal Impact Testing Machine

JBW-300B Computerized Semi-automatic Charpy Pendulum Impact Testing Machine



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MOBILE PHONE: +86-18660816838

1.Performance Description:

JBW-300B Computerized Semi-automatic Charpy Pendulum Impact Testing Machine is used to measure the impact 

resistance of metal materials under dynamic load,so as to judge the quality of materials under dynamic load. 

This machine is a computer semi-automatic control testing machine with simple operation and high working efficiency. 

It is electrically controlled to swing, impact and swing. It can automatic swing and prepare for next test by using the 

residual energy after breaking the sample.

It is especially suitable for laboratories that continuously do impact test and metallurgy and machinery manufacturing 

industries that do a large number of impact tests.

2.Technical Parameter:



Impact Energy

300J / 150J

Impact Speed

5.2 m/s

Pendulum Pre-lifting Angle


Angle Accuracy


Span of Sample Support

40 mm

Round Corner of Support Jaw

R1.0~1.5 mm

Fillet of Impact Blade

R2.0~2.5 mm

Distance From Pendulum Center 

To Impact Point

750 mm

Standard Sample Size

10×10 (7.5 or 5) ×55 mm

Pendulum Moment

0~300J: M=160.7695 N.m

0~150J: M=80.3848 N.m